I started drawing when I was 4 years old. My father showed me how to draw a 3 dimensional barn. Instead of writing words, I filled up whole pads of paper with pictographs of things like tables, chairs and cars.
I believe everyone is born with a certain predisposition to do something in this life. For me it is art. It has been my salvation many times when things were at their worst, I was saved by drawing or painting.
I studied art at Cardinal Stritch College under the world renowned Sister Thomasita who taught me the fluid style of drawing eye to hand contact that I am inclined to combine with a Rembrandt style of portraiture. I do not believe in focusing on detail but rather paint detail by not painting it. I was once asked how I painted a glass jar. I said, “by not painting it”.
After college, I kept drawing on and off until I started my art business in 1998 doing portraits of pets primarily (I also do children). My customers have noted many times how my portraits come right off the paper. I have many times tried to analyze why I prefer my portrait over a photograph. It is because they have a life like, three dimensional appearance.
I prefer to take my own photos so that I can get a sense of their personality. However, I can do work from your photos especially if the subject is deceased. But, then, to put life into the subject, I need to hear lots of stories.
I paint in pastel and acrylic on 19 5/8 by 25 1/2 size paper or canvas to get a more life like size but can paint on any size. Price list is being worked on. Until then, you can call me to discuss pricing at 920-912-1461.